At the Extension School (ES), we know that managing your online courses could be time consuming. Recognizing the busy...
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And the winners are…
Bea de los Arcos, , News, Resources, #OEWeek, #TUDLikesSharing, #WeLikeSharing, collaboration, flickr, photography, TUDelft, 2At the end of February 2021, I opened a Flickr account with the aim of sharing some of...
Marvin on games in learning
Bea de los Arcos, , News, Research, Tools & trends, curiosity, games, learning, learning design, learning developers, 0Who am I? Hi there, my name is Marvin Soetanto and I joined TUD as a blended learning adviser...
Insights from winning course teams
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, Resources, Training opportunities, collaboration, continuing education, edX, edX Prize,, Extension School, MOOC, online education, 0On 13 January, our edX award-winner colleagues from ABE and the prize finalists shared their tips and lessons to...
Looking for new colleagues
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, Vacancies, collaboration, continuing education, Extension School, online education, support, vacancy, 0To fulfil the extended remit of the Extension School for Continuing Education (ES), we are seeking new colleagues to...
Welcome to a new year, a new organisation and a great team!
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, collaboration, continuing education, edX, Extension School, MOOC, Online Learning, support, 0Wishing you a healthy and exciting 2021! Although we started the new year with extended Covid-19 measures, when we...
edX re-brands and launches new look and logo
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, Tools & trends, brand, edX, 0Since our partner in open and online education launched in 2012, its mission – similar to our goals at...
Free edX Online Campus Essentials
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, campus, collaboration, continuing education, edX, open.edx, scholarship, 0Following the success of the Remote Access Program (RAP) initiative earlier this year (March-June 2020), edX will now offer...
The secrets of designing & teaching an online course
Sibilla Becchetti, , Training opportunities, Extension School, online education, Online Learning, Produce, Run, 0Two special courses created and delivered by the Extension School and TLS help instructors to gain expert knowledge in...
TLS support closed during Christmas Holidays
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, edX, support, Teaching and Learning Services, TLS, video editing, 0Before we know it, Christmas time is here. That also means holiday season! The Teaching & Learning Service (TLS)...