

  • Review evaluation report and/or survey results
  • Create an evaluation summary
  • Confirm a date for the course re-run
  • Revise and improve course content and activities using improvement plan and re-run checklist
  • Publish MOOC material on the Delft OpenCourseWare site



Take a look at our ‘Roadmap for creating online courses‘ for an overview of the total process (legend and sub-processes included).

The Quality Assurance Handbook describes all processes and activities made by Extension School to guarantee a high-quality learning experience.

Evaluation report from survey data

Two surveys (pre- and post-) are added to each online course by the evaluation team. Additional questions may be added upon request.

Evaluation reports for MOOCs are available in Tableau dashboard within one week from the end of the run. For all other courses, survey results will be made available upon request.


Evaluation meeting

Within 1 month of the course’s completion, you are invited for an evaluation meeting with the Extension School product & portfolio manager and learning developer to discuss how the course went, learners satisfaction and identify any necessary improvements. This is part of the Quality Assurance Roadmap. The Extension School takes the lead for the evaluation process during the first run of a course and at regular intervals of three runs or three years if a course runs multiple times a year.

The course team / moderators are expected to evaluate the course, including issues with activities and videos. Staff  in charge of moderation should also review the discussion posts during the course to find examples of positive quotes, and also comments/suggestions/criticism for improvement. These are valuable to discuss in the evaluation meeting, for this purpose we recommend to use the Community Management Log.

As conclusion of the evaluation the Extension School takes the lead to create and share with the course team an Evaluation Summary with:

  • a brief summary of the evaluation meeting from a pedagogical as well as business perspective
  • an actionable list of improvements or modifications to the course that should be carried out before the rerun
  • confirmed date(s) for re-run
  • feedback on support

Improve course and revision of content & activities

To ensure the continuous improvement of the course, the necessary modifications agreed during the evaluation meeting will be carried out by the staff assigned for these tasks.

The modifications and improvements will be completed in preparation of the course re-run. This activity guarantees that we close the quality assurance cycle by acting upon the feedback and recommendations gathered by learners and discussed in the evaluation.

Prepare re-run 

Copy a Rerun checklist for your type of course and add your own modifications. If your course is changing  From instructor-paced to self-paced, ensure the necessary changes are made.

Don’t forget to review your About page so new online learners have the latest information about your course including new dates and mode of instruction.

Publish material on OCW

MOOCs course material (syllabus, learning objectives, unit descriptions and explanations, videos and framing text that accompanies resources curated from third parties will be shared via TU Delft OpenCourseWare website. For other types of courses the amount of content that can be shared is discussed during or after the evaluation meeting.

The OpenCourseWare team will take care of the process and publication. You will be asked for final approval and sometimes for input.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated. Please attribute TU Delft Extension School.


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