Marvin on games in learning

Two kids peering through a hole in a wall

Curiosity by Simonas Gutautas, CC BY-NC 2.0

Who am I?

Hi there, my name is Marvin Soetanto and I joined TUD as a blended learning adviser a few months ago. I have a background in cognitive neuroscience and information studies. In the past few years I continued my journey into the world of instructional design, serious game design and gamification.

Why focus on games & learning?

When I use the following description: Promoting a curiosity driven approach to creative problem solving where learners are engaged and motivated by the activities, what are you thinking about? To me this description fits equally well to both game design and instructional design.

That’s why I believe that teachers and learning developers also possess the qualities of a game designer. So apart from my efforts in improving blended education, I also want to unlock the game design spirit of my colleagues and give them the confidence to use it when they’re developing a course.

My experience at TUD so far?

Wherever I looked and in all my collaborations so far, I would find paragons of adaptability, creativity and resilience. It had an inspiring effect and I couldn’t wait to contribute to the various educational endeavors. I’m excited to see what else the future has in store for us. One thing is for sure, we’re in this together!

Marvin Soetanto


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