And the photo awards go to…

A mug featuring a unicorn farting a rainbow

Coffee powers work by Danika Marquis, CC BY-NC

Let’s have it out there: in the world of photography and open education, nothing speaks of excitement louder than We Like Sharing’s annual photo competition. Not even the Oscars!

In case this is your first time here, We Like Sharing is a bank of photos created by staff, students and alumni of TU Delft, and managed by myself at the Extension School for Continuing Education. All photos are visible to everyone, publicly searchable and shared under a Creative Commons license. This means that while each author retains copyright of their photos, they also choose what permissions they give to others who’d like to reuse them.

When Open Education Week comes round every year, we organize a photo competition and invite everyone to take their phones out (you really don’t need a fancy camera!) and snap away for the common good. Because in 2022 we are also celebrating the university’s 180th anniversary, the theme to inspire our budding photographers was Energy Transition.

A panel of international judges was once again given the difficult task of choosing five winners. Our thanks go to Willem van Valkenburg, Director of the Extension School; Alan Levine, Strategy and Engagement Director, Open Education Global; Virginia Rodés, Virtual Learning Environments Program Coordinator at Universidad de la República, Uruguay; and Angelina Popova, MSc in Landscape Architecture, TU Delft, and professional photographer.

And so (cue drum roll) the 2022 We Like Sharing Awards (more drum rolling) go to… (can you hear the drums?)…

The following entries  were also picked by the judges to receive an honorable mention:

A huge congratulations to the winners! And thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who submitted a photo and all of you who visited We Like Sharing in the last few weeks. With a phenomenal 30K+ views you have helped to raise awareness of the photo bank. These photos have been shared for others to reuse them. Next time you need an image for your presentation, your poster, your course… look no further! All photos are tagged to help you find what you are looking for, and even what you are not looking for!

You can check all submissions to the competition in this album, and 2021 winners here.

What happens next?

The competition is now closed until 2023 but We Like Sharing still needs your contributions to keep growing. In the last month we uploaded 45 new photos from 20 friends and colleagues, can you help us reach 180 and make TUD’s anniversary more memorable? There will be a mystery prize for the person who makes that 180!

You can share your photos via this form, or you can get in touch by writing to us at SharingWeLike[at]

This post was written by Bea de los Arcos, Learning Developer at the Extension School


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated. Please attribute TU Delft Extension School.

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