Supporting students and universities worldwide

TU Delft wishes to support wide access to quality online education, in particular at a time when, due to the impact of the coronavirus, it is becoming clear that ‘going back to normal’ may take a while. This is very much in line with our University’s Vision on Education, whereby we see openness as “part of our public mission to share our courses and course materials with a global public”.

In addition, many universities across the globe currently struggle to provide for their students to learn and complete the academic year remotely. For these reasons, TU Delft has agreed to participate in a global initiative that extends access to its online courses to non-edX partner universities and thus helps learners and universities everywhere.

Called Open Remote Access Programme (OpenRAP), similar to the RAP offer, this initiative allows universities across the globe to use our MOOCs for their on campus students and employees. Both edX and the offering institutions (TU Delft and other edX’s partners) will waive their fees and associated revenue share to allow students and staff of other universities to enroll in the verified track of MOOCs for free until 30 June 2020.

For more information on this initiative, see the edX’s announcement or email Janine Kiers.


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