Since February of 2021 TUD’s staff, students, alumni, their friends and families have been sharing their photographs openly in We Like Sharing. To date, the photo bank holds 1300+ photos, all available for reuse under a CC license. With already more than three quarter of a million views, together we’ve given the world a beautiful gift.
To celebrate We Like Sharing’s fourth birthday and Open Education Week 2025, you are invited to participate in the Extension School’s Open Photo Competition 2025! For the chance of winning one of four €25 vouchers, send a photo (or more) in one of these two categories:
#OPEN: What does open mean to you? Capture your feelings, your thoughts, your passion about open in a photo!
#InsideTUDelft: Let’s photograph the university from the inside. What happens inside your Faculty building? Take a curious eye at your surroundings, show us your favourite space; look up, look down, look closer, what can you see that others can’t? If you had to show your research in a photo, what would that be?
A few points to note:
- The competition is open to all TU Delft employees, students and alumni, their friends and families, that’s pretty much everyone!
- You can submit as many photographs as you like*.
- Photos of children or easily recognized individuals (i.e. full face) will not be accepted.
- No AI-generated images either, please!
- All submissions will be uploaded to We Like Sharing under a Creative Commons license of your choice.
- The creator of the photograph will be credited as copyright owner.
- Winners will be notified w/c 17 March.
- Winners will have the choice of redeeming their €25 voucher at one of the following: Paagman Books, De Nationale Bioscoopbon, Praxis, De Pizzabakkers or Tuincentrum GroenRijk ‘t Haantje Rijswijk. (Or an equivalent if you are a winner but not resident in The Netherlands).
The People’s winners!
Over the years it has become increasingly difficult to select the winners, such is the level of participation and the quality of the entries. In this fifth edition of the competition, we are doing things a little bit differently: our international jury will be in charge of shortlisting the photographs that will be put forward for public voting. So this year, all winners will be chosen by THE PEOPLE!
Voting will open on March 11th. Find more information under each submission in We Like Sharing and keep an eye on the photos as they come in: Open Education Week 2025 album.
Are you ready? SUBMIT HERE!!!
The deadline to submit your photographs is 07 MARCH at 23.55 hours.
Good luck!! And remember, when we share, we are all winners 🙂
(*The submission link will bring you to a form accessible only with a gmail account. If you are not a gmail user but still want to participate, send me an email at b.delosarcos@tudelft.nl).