TU Delft is participating in the national Life Long Learning (LLL) catalogue initiative, together with all partner institutions of the VSNU (Association of Dutch Universities). Due to launch next month, the catalogue presents in one common platform, a comprehensive overview of the offering by member universities in the Netherlands for lifelong learning. It thus makes the provision of lifelong education by VSNU partners easier to find and access. All current TU Delft online and offline courses and programs in the field of continuing education are included, presently constituting the second highest contribution to this online repository (189 courses vs 222 by the VU Amsterdam).
There are two main reasons for creating the catalogue.
- Firstly, in response to the great importance that the national government attaches to lifelong development (including in the recent Strategic Agenda for Higher Education), VSNU partners wish to demonstrate their commitment to the realisation of a learning society by also making their offer more visible and accessible to learners, citizens, organisations and the labour market.
- Secondly, with the private sector becoming increasingly involved in the provision of lifelong development opportunities, the universities see great potential to further fulfil their societal role by equipping professionals and organisations with the latest knowledge via new, continuous learning pathways.
LLL now and in the future
Our university’s portfolio for continuing education is fully searchable in the catalogue both at national and international level, as courses and programs descriptions are given in Dutch and English. Going forward, the Extension School Marketing Team will regularly update the information and add any new offerings as required.
If you have any questions regarding this initiative, please email Extension-School@tudelft.nl

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels-4560079 CC-BY
[…] included in the Lifelong Learning national catalogue that was launched last November as part of an initiative by the Universities of the […]