On 31 January, HR launched a new training portal for TU Delft employees – the learning hub (within Talent...
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STAP-subsidy pilot
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, continuing education, online education, Online Learning, STAP, 0To further promote lifelong learning and skill acquisition, the university now offers an initial selection of grant-eligible courses. Under...
And the photo awards go to…
Bea de los Arcos, , News, Resources, #OEWeek, #TUDelft180, #TUDLikesSharing, #WeLikeSharing, #WijDelenGraag, award, photo competition, winners, 0Let’s have it out there: in the world of photography and open education, nothing speaks of excitement louder than...
IMAGining Energy transition – Open Photo Competition
Bea de los Arcos, , News, Resources, #OEWeek, #TUDelft180, #TUDLikesSharing, #WeLikeSharing, #WijDelenGraag, competition, energy transition, open, photograph, 1We Like Sharing is one year old! Started as an initiative to encourage TUD staff and students to...
The acquisition of edX by 2U, announced in June, has been finalised and edX has become a public benefit...
When running our online courses on one of the edX platforms (edX, ProfEd, or TUDOC), it is important that...
As of January 2022, you will be able to directly upload pass/fail grades for your online ProfEd courses onto...
TU Delft lecturer Gillian Saunders-Smits, together with Calvin Rans, Joost Sinke, Katharina Ertman, Julie Teuwen, and René Alderliesten –...
The previously announced Dutch national catalogue of Lifelong Learning courses by the association of Universities of the Netherlands was launched...
TU Delft is participating in the national Life Long Learning (LLL) catalogue initiative, together with all partner institutions of...