2025 Open Photo Competition winners

TU Delft Library by C. van der Lippe, CC BY-NC-ND

Every year since 2021 the Extension School has invited everyone at TU Delft and beyond to share a photo in We Like Sharing and celebrate Open Education Week. When we kicked off the fifth edition of the Open Photo Competition in February, I wrote that the challenge would be to receive more photographs than last year. Well, we did it! Fifty six budding photographers shared 158 images, absolutely fabulous!!

Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you too to the international jury:  Willem van Valkenburg, Director of the Extension School; Sheila MacNeill, independent consultant, open educator and artist; Alan Levine, Director of Global Community, Open Education Global; and Teresa MacKinnon, retired language professional and open education advocate.

The jury’s task was to shortlist the photos that were put forward for public voting. Their deliberations resulted in 33 images. You, the public, voted to choose the four winners.

So now (drumroll)

In no particular order (drumroll drumroll)

The winners (more drumrolling)

Of #OEWeek25 Open Photo Competition are (drumroll drumroll drumroll)

  • Moving spaces by Tian Qing Yen, released under Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
  • TU Delft Library by Carel van der Lippe, released under CC BY-NC-ND
  • The Observer by Jonas Leander von Heusinger, released under CC BY-NC-SA
  • Abstract utility by Krishna Koushik Venigalla, released under CC BY-NC-SA

Congratulations to you, but also to all participants. Check this year’s entries in the album Open Education Week 2025. These amazing photographs are happily waiting to be reused! 😀

    Call to action!

    Once again, thank you to everyone who sent a photograph, but also to everyone who voted and every single person who was curious to visit the photo bank in the past few weeks. We Like Sharing exists because of your contributions. As in 2024, here’s a call to action: do you have more photos you would like to share publicly? Send them to We Like Sharing via http://bit.ly/WeLikeSharing. The link will bring you to a google form; if you prefer to send them by email, please use SharingWeLike@gmail.com. And remember,  when we share, we all win!


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    Creative Commons License

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated. Please attribute TU Delft Extension School.

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