The grand opening of the TU Delft Teaching Lab

Opening TU Delft Teaching Lab

On the 27th of September the brand new TU Delft Teaching Lab was officially opened. It is a laboratory where, as a teacher, you can experiment with new forms of education and/or tools. Together with students and fellow-teachers from all faculties teachers can try  out new assignments, improved ways of lecturing or the implementation of a new educational concept. All with professional (technical & didactical) support.


During the opening we organised tours through the building and in all rooms we had different examples or experiments setup. These experiments were showed and explained by teachers for teachers:

  • VR playground
  • Peer estafette
  • Teaching Recipes
  • Digital Court battle app
  • Brightspace helpdesk and demo
  • ‘zesje’: a system for online grading and feedback
  • Nureva Span collaboration system

Rooms & Facilities

The building was an existing building we repurposed for this. It is housed between our shared education building PULSE (opens 2018) and the faculty Industrial Design Engineering. The facilities that will be available are:

  • A forum for bigger groups (up to 100 persons, large screen available)
  • Lab spaces for education experiments
  • Mini studio for do-it-yourself recordings
  • Videoconferencing room (up to 13 people)
  • Project/ workshop rooms (4-36 people)
  • Living room & informal meeting spaces
  • Variety of individual and group working places
  • VR & AR tools
  • Interactive & digital whiteboards

Collaboration Tool Nureva Span

One of the new tools we have in the lab is the Nureva Span visual collaboration system:

Span software makes it easy for groups to collaborate on a scale that nurtures deeper engagement with content and with each other. It takes the paper tools you’re used to – sticky notes, pencil sketches, flip charts – and transforms them into flexible digital versions that enhance the creative process.

A short video showing the tool:

At the opening, a lot of teachers really liked the system, we are looking forward to explore the possibilities of using this in education.


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