What is teaching online all about? TU Delft lecturers have been active in teaching online Ba/MSc courses, MOOCs and Professional Education courses for several years now. The lecturers in this video share what made online teaching special to them.
Teaching online: TU Delft lecturers perspective
Best practice award for TU Delft Online Learning Experience
Munire van der Kruyk, , News, Research, Resources, 0
The TU Delft Online Learning Experience (OLE) is a pedagogical model that supports the development of our courses...
Open Photo Competition 2024
Bea de los Arcos, , News, #OEWeek24, #TUDLikesSharing, #WeLikeSharing, #WijDelenGraag, competition, OEWeek, open, photograph, 0
Since February of 2021 TUD’s staff, students, alumni, their friends and families have been sharing their photographs openly in...
TLS support closed during Christmas Holidays
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, edX, support, Teaching and Learning Services, TLS, video editing, 0
Before we know it, Christmas time is here. That also means holiday season! The Teaching & Learning Service (TLS)...
Winners, winners!
Bea de los Arcos, , News, #OEWeek23, #WeLikeSharing, #WijDelenGraag, award, competition, photo, 0
‘Thanks for making me work hard!’, this is how one of our jury members saluted his task to pick...
New grading process from January 2022
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, 0
As of January 2022, you will be able to directly upload pass/fail grades for your online ProfEd courses onto...
Celebrating 1 million DelftX enrollments
Munire van der Kruyk, , News, 0
On the 19th of July 2016 the TU Delft reached 1 million enrollments in its Massive Open Online Courses...
2U acquired edX – What changes?
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, 0
The acquisition of edX by 2U, announced in June, has been finalised and edX has become a public benefit...
Important changes in the use of edX platforms for MOOCs on campus
Sibilla Becchetti, , News, campus, edge.edX.org, edX.org, GDPR, MOOC, open.edx, Run, support, 0
If you use a MOOC from edX.org or edge.edX.org as a mandatory element of your campus education, you need...