The Architecture MOOC “Rethink the City: New approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges” received the AESOP Excellence in...
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The Year of Open – Making scientific knowledge accessible online
Munire van der Kruyk, , News, Research, Tools & trends, 0“The world is facing challenges that our university of technology alone cannot meet.” With these words, Rector Magnificus Karel...
Magazine Open & Online Education at Delft University of Technology
Munire van der Kruyk, , News, Tools & trends, 0Have you seen the online magazine Educating the World that went live in April? It gives an overview of the experience...
The day before Kingsday there is the traditional moment of royal honours for people in the Netherlands, also known...
New Video Guides Available – Factsheet
Danika Marquis, , News, Resources, Training opportunities, Produce, 0Starting a new course can be overwhelming – especially creating course videos to support your learning activities, which require...
Best practice award for TU Delft Online Learning Experience
Munire van der Kruyk, , News, Research, Resources, 0The TU Delft Online Learning Experience (OLE) is a pedagogical model that supports the development of our courses...
How do our students experience online learning at TU Delft? In this video some of our online students share...
Workshop on integrating OER in your course
Munire van der Kruyk, , News, Training opportunities, Plan, 0In the Open Education Week at TU Delft Pedro Cabral and Leonie Meijerink facilitated a workshop on integrating Open...
Slack: organize your team conversations in open channels
Munire van der Kruyk, , Tools & trends, Collaborate, Plan, Produce, Tool, 2Some of our course teams are using Slack, a team communication tool for the 21st century. Slack describes itself as a...
On the 19th of July 2016 the TU Delft reached 1 million enrollments in its Massive Open Online Courses...